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⚠️ After several artillery barrages, the Israeli army carried an airstrike on the village on Odaiseh.
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📹 The Israeli army released footage of their airstrike on the villa in Tyre. They claim it was used by Hezbullah.

No mention of its military use, just "used by Hezbullah"

According to local media, the villa is owned by elderly Lebanese civilian and ex-minister from a government back in 1964, identified as Ali Arab.

No deaths reported on the attack. One light injury evacuated.

The terrorist Israeli army also took credit for the attack on Khiyam village, which request in two deaths.
📷 Israeli artillery is targeting Kfarkila, Sheba, and Halta villages in south Lebanon.
📷 A fire is ongoing inside Hula village as a result of an Israeli attack.
📰 The speech of his eminence started
- We thank all those who telegraphed, called, or issued statements for their sympathy and condolences.

I address the family of the martyr Abu Talib, one by one, to congratulate them on the martyrdom of Al-Hajj and offer my condolences for his loss.

- We also address the families of the Mujahideen who were martyred with Hajj Abu Talib and those brothers from Hajj’s team who are always and directly with him.

- The position of the families of the martyrs in terms of accountability, satisfaction, and declaration of resolve and determination to continue the sacrifices is honorable.

- Martyrdom in the Islamic understanding is happiness, good news, divine selection, and refuge towards God. Therefore, all of martyrdom is a great victory and a decisive one.
- Martyrdom is a victory. It is neither defeat nor eternal death. This is the strength of the resistance fronts, and the most dangerous thing that Israel faces is that whoever fights in the battlefields carries this thought and this faith, and therefore we find this patience and contentment among the families of the martyrs.

- We have the ability to endure in the resistance, the environment of the resistance.

Despite this loss of these martyrs, no flag or position will fall from our hands, nor will weakness creep upon us.

- The martyr Abu Talib started out as an ordinary fighter like everyone else and began to advance quickly because of his spirituality. He joined at 15 y/o

In his early youth, Abu Talib was the leader of the Siddiqin axis, and in the 1990s he was one of the few who left for Bosnia.

- Before the year 2000, he was responsible for the Bint Jbeil axis in resistance operations and led an axis during the July War in 2006.

After that, in 2016, he became responsible for the Nasr Unit until his martyrdom.
⚠️ A series of Israeli airstrikes in Aita al-Shaab.
- There is no doubt that our loss of Abu Taleb is big, but we console ourselves that he died as a martyr and achieved th highest aspirations.

- Therefore, the resistance’s response to the assassination was great, to tell the enemy that this unit, in which you killed some of its officials, has increased its determination to fight the enemy.

- Abu Talib was the first field commander who opened the front to support Gaza.

- This battle on its Lebanese front played a major role in the context of the great confrontation, and it continues to inflict material, moral, and psychological losses on the enemy... and makes sacrifices of course.

- One of the clearest indications of the effectiveness of the Lebanese front is the screaming, threats, and intimidation that we hear from Israeli leaders, officials, and settlers.

If it is not effective, why will the world intervene to separate it from the Gaza front?
- Since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa flood, there has been a media machine whose job is to belittle the support fronts and what is happening in Gaza.

One of the senior Israeli leaders said, had it not been for this Lebanese front, sufficient forces would have been available to defeat Gaza.

The Israeli enemy does not acknowledge its losses on the northern front so as not to put pressure on the government and Netanyahu, who considers his top priority to be the war on Gaza. They don't want to direct the effort just yet to Lebanon.

However they acknowledge the losses in Gaza, to a certain extent.

Part of the enemy’s media and psychological war is to not acknowledging its deaths and losses, so our military media publishes operations to keep the pressure.

- Among the achievements is the displacement of settlers...and the disruption of industry, agriculture and tourism in the north because of the status it represents.

One of the achievements is that for the first time in the history of the occupation (1948), a security belt was formed in Israel.

- The enemy is afraid that things will turn into war with Lebanon, and this is what has a strong impact on the Gaza front and forces it to economize on ammunition.
- One of the results is that the image of the Israeli army is destroyed and its credibility is destroyed.

Our front and the rest of the fronts are strongly present at the negotiating table through which specific results are intended to be reached.

- The American navy fleets that came to the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea to prevent the Yemenis from targeting Israeli ships... and despite all their capabilities, they were unable to protect Israeli ships or those heading to the entity. This is a major failure for the two most important naval fleets in the world.

- Because the Israeli enemy was unable to wage war on these fronts, the British and Americans took care of the Yemen front.

- The Iraq front is greatly depleting the Israeli air defenses and the air defenses in the region. The Israeli enemy does not recognize the missiles and drones that arrive from that front.

The occupation is helpless in the face of the sacrifices of the resistance fighters in Gaza and Rafah.
- We are facing a very important reality that affects Gaza and the West Bank, and there are huge losses being inflicted on the entity.

- The enemy understood since October 8 that his positions would be targeted and that we had sufficient information about them, their fortifications, their equipment, and their equipment.

- We continue to strike enemy positions within a specific program.

- The enemy's Ministry of Defense says that there are 8,663 disabled officers and soldiers, and we ask what the number of wounded they may be.

- The enemy evacuated many of its military positions on the border with southern Lebanon.

- The resistance obtained new and accurate information about the locations of the Israeli enemy on the border.

- There are no technological measures in the world like those on the border with Gaza, and what happened in October caused great surprise to the enemy.

- Everything our eyes see and our hands reach, we will target on this front.

- The video we posted yesterday is short, selected excerpts from long hours above Haifa. The raw footage is hours and hours long.

- We spent many hours photographing Haifa, before Haifa, after Haifa, and after after Haifa. We are fighting based on accurate vision, information, and coordinates.
- We obtained new weapons in these months, which I will not reveal now.

We developed some of our weapons and used new weapons that we had not used previously.

The enemy's latest scandal is that he claimed to have discovered our recon UAVs, but did not shoot it down so as not to disturb the settlers in Haifa.

- We have fought with part of our weapons so far. There is a lot more, which we will only use when the battle demands to defend Lebanon.

We manufacture the drones ourselves and we have a huge number of them, and all the weapons that were supposed to reach Lebanon have arrived.

We manufacture part of our rockets too.
- The enemy launched a battle between wars in Syria (2013-Present) and failed in it, and everything that should have reached Lebanon has arrived.

- We have sufficient, motivated and ready number of fighter... and there is unprecedented human power for resistance... “We have passed the 100,000 by a long way.”

We have a lot of ready fighters, even for the worse worst scenario that could ever happen.

- Leaders of resistance movements contacted us and said, “We want to send fighters.” We told them that what we have is sufficient and even more than we need for the battle."

- Our people is one of the most important elements of strength in the resistance experience. It is a steadfast and patient environment that offers its homes, money, livelihood, and martyrs.

This environment is still resilient and is a reason to be proud.
- By relying on God Almighty and trusting in His help and victory, and based on the elements of strength we have, the position of the axis of resistance, motivation, and capabilities, and by looking at the reality of the enemy....

... we can say that everything the enemy says and the mediators threatens about with war on Lebanon does not scare us, nor should it scare us

- We prepared ourselves for the most difficult days, and the enemy knows very well what awaits it.

- We are not frightened by anything the enemy says and the threats and warnings brought by the intermediaries.

- We have a complete and real target bank and we have the ability to reach these goals.

What we will accurately attack will shake the whole foundations of the Jewish state.

We can destroy 1000 building in Israel and it would survive. But what we will attack is less and will bring Israel to its knees.
- If a war happens in Lebanon, the situation in the Mid sea will be unprecedented. They are busy now with the Red Sea, imagine what will be in the Mid sea

- We will fight with no red lines and no boundaries. On land, air, and sea.

- We have information Israel is conducting maneuvers in Cyprus in Cypriot mountains and airports, and it believes that if its airports are targeted, it will use Cypriot airports and facilities.

The Cypriot government must know that opening Cypriot airports and bases for war on Lebanon, will make them a target.

We will deal with Cyprus as if it were part of the war
- What should be the ones feared in light of the current state

- As for us, we will continue our support for Gaza, and at the same time we are prepared for all possibilities, and nothing will stop us.

The solution is clear and does not require explanation: “A ceasefire in Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon can be obtained by a ceasefire in Gaza (according to conditions appropriate to the Palestinian resistance)."
📞 Israeli army commander taunts that he has a toy bigger than Hezbullah's

Hebrew media: After Hezbullah's drone footage over northern Israel, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi says the military "possess powerful capabilities that the enemy knows only a little about."

"We of course possess infinitely more powerful capabilities, which I think the enemy knows only a little about, and it will meet them when necessary at the right time," he adds.
📰 Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant held an assessment this evening on Lebanon with IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, the head of the Northern Command Maj. Gen. Ori Gordin, and the head of the Israeli Air Force, Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar.

Also participating in the meeting at the Northern Command headquarters in Safed was the head of the Home Front Command, Maj. Gen. Rafi Milo, and head of the General Staff Corps, Maj. Gen. David Zini, among other officers.

Gallant was briefed on "the latest developments in the fight against Hezbullah," his office says.

The Defense Ministry says Gallant "gave a special emphasis" to the Hezbillah drone threat and ways Israel can improve in countering it. He also told the generals to "be fully prepared for all possibilities."

"We are completing the ground and air readiness, strengthening the intelligence systems and preparing for any possibility," Gallant is quoted as saying in a ministry statement.

"We have an obligation to change the situation in the north and return the citizens safely to their homes and we will find the way to do this action," he says, referring to the tens of thousands of displaced Israelis by Hezbullah's attacks.

Halevi tells Gallant in the meeting that the military is “very determined, ready today at a very high level of readiness,” and prepared “to make the right decisions.”

(Quoted as is from an Israel journalist)
Media is too big
📰 Israeli media reports that the U.S. envoy Amos failed in his attempts for a ceasefire between Lebanon and Israel.

Lebanon conditioned the ceasefire to ending the war in Gaza. Israel refused and threatened that south Lebanon will soon look like Gaza.
2024/06/20 02:07:40
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